Friday, April 11, 2008

Pope's Opposition to Euthanasia is Personal: Cousin had Down's and Was Taken by the Nazis

NORTH HAVEN, Connecticut, April 11, 2008 ( - Many people are expecting Pope Benedict XVI to speak out in defense of human life and against abortion during his visit to the United States next week. What few people realize, however, is that the pope knows first-hand what happens when a society refuses to defend the most defenseless of its citizens. As a boy of fourteen, Joseph Ratzinger had a cousin who had been born with Down's Syndrome, only a bit younger than himself. In 1941, German state "therapists" came to the boy's house and probably informed the parents of the government regulation that prohibited mentally handicapped children from remaining in their parents' home. In spite of the family's pleas, the representatives of the Nazi state took the child away. The Ratzinger family never saw him again.

Later the family learned that he had "died," most likely murdered, for being "undesirable," a blemish in the race and a drain on the productivity of the nation. This was Joseph Ratzinger's first experience of a murderous philosophy that asserts that some people are disposable. Author Brennan Pursell heard this heart-wrenching story while collecting material for his ground-breaking biography, Benedict of Bavaria (Circle Press, 2008).

While most available biographies of the pope are based on Western news coverage, Pursell, who is fluent in German, went to Germany, especially to Bavaria, where the Pope is from and collected his information from what he calls "intimate sources" - the friends, neighbors, colleagues, and co-workers who have known Joseph Ratzinger for years. As the pope said during his visit to Austria in 2007, the right to life is the first of all human rights. To speak, then, of a "right" to abort an unborn child is a contradiction in terms. This is a truth that, for Pope Benedict, is self-evident.

"He will present the Catholic teaching as a positive," Pursell says about Benedict's upcoming visit to the States and how he will treat matters of Catholic moral teaching on abortion and related topics. "But at the same time he will be unapologetic about it."

America Gears Up to Welcome Pope

America Gears Up to Welcome Pope

Ads and Videos Reflect U.S. Excitement on Eve of Visit

WASHINGTON, D.C., APRIL 11, 2008 ( "He's coming!" announce 150 advertisements emblazoned on Washington metro buses, in anticipation of Benedict XVI's upcoming pastoral visit to the United States next week.

The Pope arrives to the U.S. capital Tuesday, for his first visit to the country since elected Pontiff, and will most likely see some of the other banners posted by the Archdiocese of Washington when he travels through the city Thursday in the popemobile."These ads are a visible expression of our great affection for the Holy Father and our excitement for his upcoming visit," said Susan Gibbs, director of communications for the Archdiocese of Washington.
The text "One who has hope lives differently," taken from Benedict XVI's encyclical "Spe Salvi," runs across the center of the ad.

The Pope will visit the White House on Wednesday, and later the same day he will participate in a prayer service and meeting with the nation's 350 bishops.
On Thursday morning he will celebrate Mass at the new Nationals Park in Washington, meet with the heads of more than 200 Catholic colleges and universities at the Catholic University of America, and then meet with interreligious leaders at the Pope John Paul II Cultural Center.
New York

Comments on the Web site of the Archdiocese of New York also show that anticipation is building as the city prepares for the Pope to arrive there Friday morning.

On Friday the Holy Father will address the United Nations and attend a prayer service with Christian leaders of various denominations, and on Saturday he will celebrate the Eucharist with priests, deacons and religious at St. Patrick's Cathedral, and meet with youth at St. Joseph Seminary in Yonkers.

He will visit Ground Zero on Sunday and preside over a closing Mass at Yankee Stadium.
Sister Marie Pappas, superintendent of schools for the archdiocese, said in a posted comment what she expects from the Holy Father's visit: "The visit of Pope Benedict XVI to our archdiocese and our great city is an extraordinary event -- one the whole world will be watching and interpreting. To have the Vicar of Christ in our midst is 'awesome' in the true sense of the word."

"In October of this year the foundress of our congregation, the Sisters of the Resurrection, was beatified. Then I visited the Pope with members of my community. Now he is visiting all of us," she added.

Father Joy Marpilly, pastor of the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Manhattan, said in his posted comment: "This is a spiritually uplifting moment for our parish [...] as we continue to see ourselves as part of the universal Catholic Church. [...] And for the City of New York: This is a moment of pride and a rare opportunity to see ourselves as part of a global mission."
Fourth-grader Kerry Ann O'Brien of the Sacred Heart of Jesus School in Manhattan said, "The Pope's visit to the U.S. means to me that he wants to spread the Good News just like Jesus."

Dioceses and archdioceses around the country are also cuing up to welcome the Holy Father.
In a video posted on the Web site of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, Cardinal Justin Rigali welcomes the Holy Father to the United States. School children from around the archdiocese repeat the greeting in various languages.

Wrapping up a yearlong celebration of the bicentennial of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, the video of the archdiocese adds the pastoral visit of Benedict XVI to the United States to a long list of blessings experienced by the city of brotherly love.

The Archdiocese of Baltimore, who is kicking off bicentennial celebrations marking 200 years as an archdiocese this weekend, also posted a video welcoming Benedict XVI to American soil.
"Holy Father, the great people of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, the first Catholic diocese in the United States, welcome you."

Baltimore was established as the first Catholic diocese in the United States in 1789, serving the original 13 states. By 1804, its boundaries stretched north to Maine, west to Idaho and south to the Florida Panhandle.

Cardinal Francis George, the archbishop of Chicago, welcomed the Holy Father to the United States in a video posted on YouTube.

Cardinal George said in the video: "Speaking on behalf of the 2.3 million Catholics in the 363 parishes that make up the Archdiocese of Chicago, all of us join in wishing Pope Benedict XVI a safe and blessed journey to our country the United States.

"We thank him for his tireless commitment to spreading the word of God and confirming our faith. We pray that the Pope's message now of faith, of unity, of love for all peoples around the world will be heard and taken into our hearts and acted upon."

The Archdiocese of Los Angeles also posted a video on their Web site.

This video welcome will be played on the big screen at Nationals Stadium in Washington, D.C., as part of the festivities surrounding the Papal Mass on April 17, 2008.
The Pope speaks sincerely and gently on the video. A wonderful man of God.

'Bitter'? 'Clinging to Guns'? No, 'Dumb as a Box of Rocks'

‘Bitter’? ‘Clinging to Guns’? No, ‘Dumb as a Box of Rocks’
Special to FreeRepublic ^
12 April 2008 John Armor (Congressman Billybob)

Posted on Friday, April 11, 2008 9:22:14 PM by Congressman Billybob

In San Francisco last week, Senator Barack Obama, Democrat candidate for President, made a certain statement about people who live in small towns in Pennsylvania. He is about to undergo a primary in that state against Senator Hillary Clinton, the other remaining Democrat candidate for President.

Why should a comment made by a candidate in San Francisco about people who live in Pennsylvania be of the slightest interest to the people who live in the Blue Ridge Mountains of western North Carolina? Simple. Almost half of the people here, in the 11th Congressional District of North Carolina, also live in small towns, and have experienced some of the same losses as the folks in the small towns of Pennsylvania.

Depending on the outcomes in Pennsylvania and then in North Carolina, the Democrat primary for President may shortly be over, not mathematically over, but over for all intents and purposes, as my sainted mother used to say. So, these remarks should be considered here, in the mountains of North Carolina.

These are Senator Obama’s words, as posted on Jonathan Martin’s popular blog on politics, Politico on 11 April:
“You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

SOME of the jobs have gone from these communities. At worst, factories have been closed, the equipment has been shipped overseas, and the final indignity was to pay old employees to train their replacements, before firing them. But the people hereabout are smarter than to sit and wait for the government to bail them out. Communities have banded together to seek different opportunities in different fields.

The greatest errors in this high-fallutin dismissal of small town folks is in the rest of this arrogant quote. Most people here are not bitter. Bitter is for people who have given up. We have not given up.

No one here “clings” to his religion. Those who hold religion important, believe in their religion and try to live by it. I pity Obama if all he has is a religion he can “cling” to. No one here “clings” to his guns. Most of us grew up with guns. We respect them, know how to use them, and most households and more than a few vehicles contain guns.

Shootings of people are very uncommon in these parts. Perhaps Obama hasn’t read his Robert Heinlein. “An armed society is a polite society.” He probably hasn’t read his Constitution carefully, either. The Supreme Court will shortly issue a decision that will educate him, tell him that the Second Amendment provides a personal right “to keep and bear arms.”

Obama thinks we have antipathy to those who are not like us. There are few greater differences than between the Scots-Irish who came to these mountains and the Cherokee who were here when they arrived. It’s taken some centuries, but we got it sorted out.

We are not “anti-immigrant.” Most of us are immigrants, both recent and centuries ago. We do think, however, that everyone should play by the rules. So, we are against “illegal immigrants.” And we are careful with our words. These are no more “undocumented workers” than a bank robber is an “undocumented borrower.”

Far from being “anti-trade,” we have been in favor of international trade since we produced goods and products that were sold in Europe from these colonies. But we are in favor of fair trade, where the benefits flow both ways. We don’t like to get ripped off in an unfair deal.
We can reach one conclusion from Senator Obama’s remarks. Whatever else he is, or knows in different contexts, when it comes to understanding the people who live in America’s small towns, he is dumb as a box of rocks. But then, what do I know? I just fell off the turnip truck in a small town in North Carolina.
About the Author: John Armor practiced in the US Supreme Court for 33 years. He is running for the 11th Congressional District of North Carolina.

His recent words just lost him the presidency of the USA and sadly he may never know why.

Islam's Public Enemy #1

Islam's Public Enemy #1

Raymond Ibrahim

Coptic priest Zakaria Botros fights fire with fire.

Though he is little known in the West, Coptic priest Zakaria Botros -- named Islam’s “Public Enemy #1” by the Arabic newspaper, al-Insan al-Jadid -- has been making waves in the Islamic world. Along with fellow missionaries -- mostly Muslim converts -- he appears frequently on the Arabic channel al-Hayat (i.e., “Life TV”). There, he addresses controversial topics of theological significance -- free from the censorship imposed by Islamic authorities or self-imposed through fear of the zealous mobs who fulminated against the infamous cartoons of Mohammed. Botros’s excurses on little-known but embarrassing aspects of Islamic law and tradition have become a thorn in the side of Islamic leaders throughout the Middle East.

Botros is an unusual figure onscreen: robed, with a huge cross around his neck, he sits with both the Koran and the Bible in easy reach. Egypt’s Copts -- members of one of the oldest Christian communities in the Middle East -- have in many respects come to personify the demeaning Islamic institution of “dhimmitude” (which demands submissiveness from non-Muslims, in accordance with Koran 9:29). But the fiery Botros does not submit, and minces no words. He has famously made of Islam “ten demands,” whose radical nature he uses to highlight Islam’s own radical demands on non-Muslims.

The result? Mass conversions to Christianity -- if clandestine ones. The very public conversion of high-profile Italian journalist Magdi Allam -- who was baptized by Pope Benedict in Rome on Saturday -- is only the tip of the iceberg. Indeed, Islamic cleric Ahmad al-Qatani stated on al-Jazeera TV a while back that some six million Muslims convert to Christianity annually, many of them persuaded by Botros’s public ministry. More recently, al-Jazeera noted Life TV’s “unprecedented evangelical raid” on the Muslim world. Several factors account for the Botros phenomenon.

First, the new media -- particularly satellite TV and the Internet (the main conduits for Life TV) -- have made it possible for questions about Islam to be made public without fear of reprisal. It is unprecedented to hear Muslims from around the Islamic world -- even from Saudi Arabia, where imported Bibles are confiscated and burned -- call into the show to argue with Botros and his colleagues, and sometimes, to accept Christ.

Secondly, Botros’s broadcasts are in Arabic -- the language of some 200 million people, most of them Muslim. While several Western writers have published persuasive critiques of Islam, their arguments go largely unnoticed in the Islamic world. Botros’s mastery of classical Arabic not only allows him to reach a broader audience, it enables him to delve deeply into the voluminous Arabic literature -- much of it untapped by Western writers who rely on translations -- and so report to the average Muslim on the discrepancies and affronts to moral common sense found within this vast corpus.

A third reason for Botros’s success is that his polemical technique has proven irrefutable. Each of his episodes has a theme -- from the pressing to the esoteric -- often expressed as a question (e.g., “Is jihad an obligation for all Muslims?” “Are women inferior to men in Islam?” “Did Mohammed say that adulterous female monkeys should be stoned?” “Is drinking the urine of prophets salutary according to sharia?”). To answer the question, Botros meticulously quotes -- always careful to give sources and reference numbers -- from authoritative Islamic texts on the subject, starting from the Koran; then from the canonical sayings of the prophet -- the Hadith; and finally from the words of prominent Muslim theologians past and present -- the illustrious ulema.

Typically, Botros’s presentation of the Islamic material is sufficiently detailed that the controversial topic is shown to be an airtight aspect of Islam. Yet, however convincing his proofs, Botros does not flatly conclude that, say, universal jihad or female inferiority are basic tenets of Islam. He treats the question as still open -- and humbly invites the ulema, the revered articulators of sharia law, to respond and show the error in his methodology. He does demand, however, that their response be based on “al-dalil we al-burhan,” -- “evidence and proof,” one of his frequent refrains -- not shout-downs or sophistry.

More often than not, the response from the ulema is deafening silence -- which has only made Botros and Life TV more enticing to Muslim viewers. The ulema who have publicly addressed Botros’s conclusions often find themselves forced to agree with him -- which has led to some amusing (and embarrassing) moments on live Arabic TV.

Botros spent three years bringing to broad public attention a scandalous -- and authentic -- hadith stating that women should “breastfeed” strange men with whom they must spend any amount of time. A leading hadith scholar, Abd al-Muhdi, was confronted with this issue on the live talk show of popular Arabic host Hala Sirhan. Opting to be truthful, al-Muhdi confirmed that going through the motions of breastfeeding adult males is, according to sharia, a legitimate way of making married women “forbidden” to the men with whom they are forced into contact -- the logic being that, by being “breastfed,” the men become like “sons” to the women and therefore can no longer have sexual designs on them.

To make matters worse, Ezzat Atiyya, head of the Hadith department at al-Azhar University -- Sunni Islam’s most authoritative institution -- went so far as to issue a fatwa legitimatizing “Rida’ al-Kibir” (sharia’s term for “breastfeeding the adult”), which prompted such outrage in the Islamic world that it was subsequently recanted.

Botros played the key role in exposing this obscure and embarrassing issue and forcing the ulema to respond. Another guest on Hala Sirhan’s show, Abd al-Fatah, slyly indicated that the entire controversy was instigated by Botros: “I know you all [fellow panelists] watch that channel and that priest and that none of you [pointing at Abd al-Muhdi] can ever respond to him, since he always documents his sources!”

Incapable of rebutting Botros, the only strategy left to the ulema (aside from a rumored $5-million bounty on his head) is to ignore him. When his name is brought up, they dismiss him as a troublemaking liar who is backed by -- who else? -- international “Jewry.” They could easily refute his points, they insist, but will not deign to do so. That strategy may satisfy some Muslims, but others are demanding straightforward responses from the ulema.

The most dramatic example of this occurred on another famous show on the international station, Iqra. The host, Basma -- a conservative Muslim woman in full hijab -- asked two prominent ulema, including Sheikh Gamal Qutb, one-time grand mufti of al-Azhar University, to explain the legality of the Koranic verse (4:24) that permits men to freely copulate with captive women. She repeatedly asked: “According to sharia, is slave-sex still applicable?” The two ulema would give no clear answer -- dissembling here, going off on tangents there. Basma remained adamant: Muslim youth were confused, and needed a response, since “there is a certain channel and a certain man who has discussed this issue over twenty times and has received no response from you.”

The flustered Sheikh Qutb roared, “low-life people like that must be totally ignored!” and stormed off the set. He later returned, but refused to admit that Islam indeed permits sex-slaves, spending his time attacking Botros instead. When Basma said “Ninety percent of Muslims, including myself, do not understand the issue of concubinage in Islam and are having a hard time swallowing it,” the sheikh responded, “You don’t need to understand.” As for Muslims who watch and are influenced by Botros, he barked, “Too bad for them! If my son is sick and chooses to visit a mechanic, not a doctor -- that’s his problem!”

But the ultimate reason for Botros’s success is that -- unlike his Western counterparts who criticize Islam from a political standpoint -- his primary interest is the salvation of souls. He often begins and concludes his programs by stating that he loves all Muslims as fellow humans and wants to steer them away from falsehood to Truth. To that end, he doesn’t just expose troubling aspects of Islam. Before concluding every program, he quotes pertinent biblical verses and invites all his viewers to come to Christ.

Botros’s motive is not to incite the West against Islam, promote “Israeli interests,” or “demonize” Muslims, but to draw Muslims away from the dead legalism of sharia to the spirituality of Christianity. Many Western critics fail to appreciate that, to disempower radical Islam, something theocentric and spiritually satisfying -- not secularism, democracy, capitalism, materialism, feminism, etc. -- must be offered in its place. The truths of one religion can only be challenged and supplanted by the truths of another. And so Father Zakaria Botros has been fighting fire with fire.
Raymond Ibrahim is editor of "The Al Qaeda Reader".

From the darkness into the light.